One of the preeminent global journals on the history of Christian liturgies, Ecclesia Orans is published by the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant’Anselmo in Rome. As the official organ of the only Pontifical Institute on liturgy still existing, the journal serves as the place for its theological reflection and also as a platform for the exchange of liturgical knowledge. Ecclesia Orans was founded in 1984 to serve this mission, drawing from monastic wisdom while conserving a scientific and international character.
Although the editorial work is done in Italian and English, articles are published in the breadth of European languages. Editorially, historical, theological, pastoral, and artistic approaches are welcomed, the latter reflecting and feeding Sant’Anselmo’s current biennium of “architecture and arts for the liturgy.” However, the focus of the journal remains in conciliar and post conciliar liturgical renewal, with a special emphasis on scientific studies. A guiding principle has been to provide a place for fellowship, discussion, and reflection necessary to provide a serious theological ground on which to base the liturgical celebration.
ATLA offers Ecclesia Orans digitized for the first time in its entirety. This collection of international, scientific scholarship on Christian liturgies is an essential collection of critical thought on liturgical celebration and renewal.
Ecclesia Orans is available in ATLASerials PLUS™ (ATLAS PLUS™).
ATLASerials PLUS™ (ATLAS PLUS™) is a new offering of more than 425 full-text journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with full-text content in 16 languages from more than 30 different countries. ATLAS PLUS includes all of the titles in ATLA’s original full-text product, ATLASerials® (ATLAS®) and more than 100 additional full-text titles at launch. Learn more.