PDA Series – CARLI Undergraduate Research Webinar Series – Day 3
10:00 a.m. CST: Inclusion and Equity through Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) / presented by Gina Hunter, Illinois State University
11:00 a.m. CST: JEDI Inspirations for Undergraduate Research: Leveraging Library Connections to Diversify Student Research and Researchers / presented by Roxane Pickens, University of Miami Libraries
Inclusion and Equity through Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) / presented by Gina Hunter, Illinois State University
Undergraduate research experiences are associated with a number of positive academic, professional, and personal development outcomes. The impact of undergraduate research experiences, however, is limited because they usually involve relatively few students in one-on-one independent study or internship experiences. Students from under-represented or under-served backgrounds are often the least likely to get access to intensive research experiences. Furthermore, most students get access to these research experiences only late in their undergraduate careers which is often too late to allow them to make an informed decision about their educational or career trajectory. Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) have emerged as a way to make authentic research experiences accessible to larger numbers of students. CUREs have been defined as “learning experiences in which whole classes of students address a research question or problem with unknown outcomes or solutions that are of interest to external stakeholders” (Dolan n.d., 3). While the term CURE is most often associated with STEM fields, similar efforts are found in in a variety of disciplines across the curriculum.
In this presentation Gina Hunter, Illinois State University, offers a brief overview of CUREs and provide examples from sciences, social sciences, and humanities. She examines the value of CUREs for increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in undergraduate research programs, and suggests resources for further learning.
JEDI Inspirations for Undergraduate Research: Leveraging Library Connections to Diversify Student Research and Researchers / presented by Roxane Pickens, University of Miami Libraries
This presentation addresses ways that college and university libraries can inspire a more diversified portfolio of undergraduate student research and researchers by critically and creatively engaging justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) principles, especially by leveraging strategic collaborations with library and other academic partners to pique student interest and support their processes of exploration and analysis. Key points of discussion will include how to support student research on topics that advance knowledge and understanding from antiracist, feminist, and decolonial contexts, as well as topics that consider popular and contemporary cultural expressions. Additionally, strategies for engaging student populations that may not consider themselves researcher material, or that on paper might not be seen as such, will be presented. Based on work that we do at University of Miami Libraries through our Learning Commons and in collaboration with partners like the Center for the Humanities, Office of Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement, and American Studies Program, this presentation will be a case study and exchange of ideas for promoting undergraduate research that is grounded in interdisciplinary practices, demystified enough to appeal to a wider range of potential students, and addresses information literacies from a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive framework.
Sponsored by CARLI
This webinar is part of the PDA series. Learn more about the PDA.
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