BlogNotes from the Road
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Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Celebrating at the 50th BETH (Bibliothèques Européennes de Théologie) Annual Conference

by Gillian Harrison Cain, Margot Lyon

Atla staff joined our European colleagues to celebrate the 50th BETH Annual Conference and the 75th anniversary of the Dutch Association for Theological Librarianship (VthB).

Association News, Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Kentucky and Ohio

by Christine Fruin

While in Kentucky and Ohio, Atla Scholarly Communication & Digital Initiatives Manager Christine Fruin visited a few Atla member institutions.

Member News, Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: A Visit to Christ Church and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia

by Christine Fruin

Atla staff member Christine Fruin shares some thoughts and photos from her visit to Christ Church and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: North Carolina

by Christine Fruin

While in North Carolina, Christine Fruin, Atla Scholarly Communication and Digital Projects Manager, visited a few Atla member institutions.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Duquesne University

by Christine Fruin

Christine Fruin visits Institutional Members Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: George Fox University and Western Seminary

by Christine Fruin

Christine Fruin visits Institutional Members George Fox University and Western Seminary on her most recent trip for the Pacific Northwest Religious Studies and Theological Library Association meeting.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Graduate Theological Union

by Christine Fruin

Christine Fruin visits Institutional Member Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in San Fransico, California. Read about what she found on her tour of the library.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Member Visits in Minneapolis

by Roger Morales

At the beginning of June, I had the opportunity to attend the Minnesota Theological Library Association’s (MTLA) conference held on Friday, June 9, 2018. During my time in Minneapolis, I visited two Institutional members: North Central University and Bethlehem College and Seminary. North Central University My first visit was at T.J Jones library at North Central University named after Rev. Thomas James Jones (1896-1970). Originally from England, Rev. Jones joined the faculty at North Central in 1946. A highly-skilled teacher who valued reading and study, he donated a large portion of his personal library to help North Central start its first library collection, which now holds about 50,000 print volumes.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Member Visits in San Diego, California

by Gillian Harrison Cain

Early April found me in San Diego, California, enjoying the company of other librarians in yet another hotel ballroom at the CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Spring 2018 Membership Meeting. It was a great meeting, lots of good sessions attended and connections made, but honestly one of the highlights for me was achieving escape velocity from the hotel and spending some time in the sunshine en route to visit with members at the University of San Diego and Bethel Seminary.

Notes from the Road

Notes from the Road: Pitts Theology Library at Candler School of Theology, Emory University

by Christine Fruin

While attending the Academy of Preachers Annual Festival in Atlanta, Georgia, I took a side trip to Pitts Theology Library to tour their beautiful space and chat with library staff to chat about copyright, open access, and ATLA’s scholarly communication program. Entry into the Candler School of Theology is on its own inspiring. The space is bright and inviting with granite and glass. The library space is equally beautiful and a peaceful place for scholarly study and collaboration.

Notes from the Road